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Tara Dibranou - Royal Heritage Realty Ltd


Lets face it, heading north on weekends to a place where you are surrounded by natural resources is quite a fulfilling experience. Especially, when you able to escape the hustle and bustle of Urban Living. 

Over the years, I've had plenty of time to escape and connect with nature through weekend camping trips and cottaging in the Kawarhta Lakes. Where the towns are connected by farms, waterways, and winding roads. Our visits were short lived leisurely escapes; which sparked a life long  ambition to move to cottage country.

A place where the entrepreneurial spirit  is high, and buying local is the natural instinct.   Always committed , not to just ones self, but to community and nature as a whole.   Modern Rural Living!


Want to know about us : Real Estate Agent Kawartha lakes ONProperty consultation Kawartha Lakes ON

  • Location Kawartha Lakes, ON K0M 0A1, Canada [map]
  • Hours of Operation Monday To Sunday / 9AM - 9PM
  • Phone 17057319802
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